Monday 3 September 2012

It shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise to learn that some Boston Borough Councillors attend more meetings than others – but the reasons for non-attendance in some cases give a worrying insight into the way the council is led, and also into the mind-set of some members.

Councillor Yvonne Gunter
Last week’s front page story in the Boston Standard - which used the Freedom of Information act to find out what was already available on the council’s website – showed that the council’s goody two-shoes was Tory Yvonne Gunter,  who had not missed one of the 51 meetings she was eligible to attend – although absence from one planning committee meeting was recorded the day after the report appeared.
Even so, it strikes us as worthy enough to merit a commemorative plaque somewhere around the Worst Street building to celebrate the achievement.
Party pooper was English Democrat Councillor David Owens, who told the Standard that he has been working away from home, but has recently moved jobs and should now be able to get to more meetings.
Co-incidentally, Councillor Owens’s poor attendance was featured in Boston Eye in November last year, when he was again at the bottom of the list – at which time he said: “It is unfortunate that I have been unable to attend several meetings of late. This is entirely due to a career change that has drawn all my energies for the last few months. Clearly this is most unfortunate and indeed, not planned. However, the project is nearing completion, and once again I intend to be fully involved in my local council work.”
Did anyone hear an echo!
Patronisingly, Councillor Gunter lectured her council colleagues on the importance of attending meetings – after several said that the way the cabinet operates left them powerless to do anything and rendered meetings a waste of time.
Councillor Yvonne Gunter
She claimed: “Every meeting that I have attended has been worthwhile. If you want to keep up with what’s happening in Boston … then you need to attend because it’s so important. Fair enough, the new councillors might find it a bit daunting, but in that case they should attend more. You don’t learn if you don’t attend.”
Having seen the way the cabinet stitches everything up, then rides roughshod over any attempt to oppose its actions, we remain on the side of those councillors who criticise the mauling they receive from the “leadership” – which of course includes Councillor Gunter.
But having said that, we do not believe that a councillor should run away and hide.
Our current appalling leadership needs challenging at every turn – not kowtowing to it by default.
Sadly, the supine attitude of the eleven non-cabinet Tories is a hidden disgrace in all of this. Just because these people stood as,  and were elected as Conservatives, does not mean that they have slavishly to do what the less-than-magnificent seven tell them to.
This is local government – not Westminster.
The Tories that we elected to “serve” us (ha ha) are doing nothing of the kind.
The cabinet is following its own feeble agenda and forcing it through by relying on fear within the back benches meaning a refusal to stand up against them.
Cowards all!
Councillor Yvonne Gunter
Councillor Gunter’s comments, meanwhile, were condemned by Independent Councillor Carol Taylor, who e-mailed her to say that they were  "ill conceived, thoughtless and demonstrate how little YOU know!”
"With regard to your comment ‘the new councillors may find it daunting,’ do you seriously think this?”
She added: “You have gone too far this time with your arrogant, egotistical attitude and these comments about your fellow councillors warrants an apology….
“…. you could have said ‘I am in the fortunate position of being retired so I am able to commit more time to attending meetings. Many of my fellow councillors work full time and would therefore find it difficult but it is not up to me to pass judgement on them.’"
Amusingly, the council is currently flogging its “Have Your Say ...” timetable - which laughingly claims that  “One of the ways the council engages with residents is through consultation which gives you the chance to 'Have Your Say' on the local issues that affect you. You can participate in decision making, and tell us how you think we are performing.”
Ho, ho, ho …Have your say by all means – but expect to be ignored.

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